Answer this question: How important is the water in an aquarium to the life of the fish living in that aquarium?

I’m sure you’d agree that it’s pretty critical!

Now imagine that you are the fish and your home, your office, or anywhere that you spend most of your time is the aquarium. 

How many hours a day are you ‘swimming’ in that environment? Is it a positive, happy, stress-free environment? Is it mostly positive but there is stress and the occasional argument? Or is it always stressful and chaotic? How are these environments affecting your thoughts, your emotions and even your body on daily, monthly or even yearly basis of ‘swimming’ in those surroundings?

This pool of emotions and thoughts, if not dealt with, can begin to affect you mentally, emotionally and even physically. 

It isn’t enough to work on keeping your emotions and thoughts positive. You are not the only one generating thoughts and emotions, and theirs may not be as positive as yours! Since you are swimming in the same energy as others at home or at your work, their ‘stuff’ affects you and vice versa.

What kind of energy, or prana, is predominant in your home or office? Is there more positive or negative energy being generated? Are people watching their thoughts and emotions like you are? In most cases, the answer is probably no.

That’s why in Pranic Healing we focus on keeping your space energetically clean. Maintaining a Sacred Space is critical for your overall well-being, happiness and success.

In this video Master Co shares a few tips on how to easily create and maintain your own ‘sacred space’ at home, work or anywhere.

Remember, the quality of your space will directly affect your mental, emotional and physical states. Just as you shower daily and tidy your home regularly, it’s just as important to have good energy surrounding us in order to help us thrive in our relationships, our careers and to lead a fulfilling life. 

Harnessing the Power of Prana is critical to repairing those parts of your life that feel stagnant and unhealthy! 

If you are ready to start learning how to channel and apply these energy techniques to improve your well-being and your life, then I invite you to join me at my next Live Energized Weekend! I would be honored to share with you how you can transform and re-energize your health, career, relationships, and spirituality.