Most people complain they have a monkey mind. They have tried everything and nothing seems to work, or it did, but the sense of peace didn’t last.

In this video Master Co shares 3 possible reasons why you are experiencing this ‘monkey mind’ and how to solve it! 

Reason #1: Clouds of thoughts and emotions in the Aura. 

Every time you and I think or feel something, we are creating energy forms in our aura. We are continually creating these thoughts and emotions, so naturally, our aura is swimming in them. As soon as we sit down to relax, or we try to become quiet and passive for meditation, these thoughts swarm our consciousness.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you are so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn’t pay attention to the tv show you had on, or that the meditation you tried doing is over and yet you didn’t experience any inner peace or inner quiet because you kept jumping from one thought to another? 

Without first flushing out this cloud of thoughts and emotions that build up in your aura, any sense of peace or clarity will be short lived. And yet most people skip that critical step. The key to to inner peace is to flush out, or remove, those thoughts and emotions that are creating the clutter in the first place. As you clean out the aura, the result manifests as Inner Peace!

Reason #2: Incorrect Practice of the Meditation.   

Meditation is a process of ‘mindful awareness’. Awareness of signals and sensations that we receive when our minds are put in a passive mode. 

Yet most people are ‘trying’ to meditate. The simple act of trying is engaging your will. This is an active ‘projecting mode’ and not the passive ‘receiving mode’ needed to experience stillness and inner peace. Finding the right technique of mindful awareness is critical.

In some of the more popular meditations that guide you in experiencing that ‘passive mode’, practitioners have a tendency to experience the surfacing of old emotional pains and ancient seeds that they don’t know how to release. This makes it difficult to continue with the meditation practice because now your attention is focused on the emotions that have surfaced.

The key is to have tools and meditations that will help you to not only develop mindful awareness but also to gently and safely release old negative emotions and thoughts before they become a problem that impedes your spiritual practice. 

Reason #3:  Karma

Karma is essentially a spiritual boomerang. What you project to others comes back to you, in other words, ‘as you sow, you will reap’. 

One of the reasons we don’t have inner stillness is because we have been sending out chaotic or turbulent thoughts and emotions that hurt or negatively affect others. One of the biggest causes of this is gossiping. 

By negatively thinking and talking about others, we send out negative energies that eventually hurl back to us at a multiplied intensity and speed. How do we neutralize this negative karma and begin generating positive karma? First, we must stop generating those ‘negative torpedos’ that we are sending out towards others. Then we proceed to creating thoughts, words and actions of loving kindness & non-injury.

Increasing our awareness as well as releasing old negative patterns that no longer serve us are critical steps to help quiet our monkey mind.  

Tune in Now to learn how Arhatic Yoga can help you develop a balanced spiritual practice of deep meditations and personal transformation!


MCKS Arhatic Yoga® Prep Level

Live in Person with Master Co

Oct 28-29, 2023 - Lisle, IL

Nov 4-5, 2023 - Irvine, CA