Tap into the Power of Your Energy

and take control of your health, improve your well-being and protect yourself from negative situations & people that could be having an adverse effect on you!

The Power of Prana

Imagine having more energy to do what you want to do when you want to do it! Have the confidence to make your body heal faster from common health issues and to protect yourself from others negative thoughts & emotions! Learning how to channel your energy to maintain of level of balance and healing will help you as you encounter life’s difficult situations… and difficult people. Plus you can use these skills to help your loved ones and friends too!

You can achieve this balance in your health and DAily life

with these two powerful online courses:

MCKS Pranic Psychic Self Defense with Master Co - Sept 28, 2024 (Online)

MCKS Spiritual Business Management - Sept 29, 2024 (Online)

Prerequisite: Self Pranic Healing with Chandan Parameswara - Sept 14, 2024 (Online)

These Online Courses are for residents of the USA Only.

MCKS Self Pranic Healing

This is a revolutionary course in restructuring your personal energy system to revitalize yourself and to accelerate the healing of common issues. Taking control of your well-being must include understanding the role that Energy plays in your physical, mental and emotional health.

Learning to tap into that energy, or Prana, is the key to unlocking your health, vitality, youthfulness and yes even your spiritual development and ability to succeed in life.

Everything is Energy. Learn to tap in to your energy and take control of your life!

with Chandan Parameswara

Saturday, September 14, 2024, 9am-5pm Pacific Time

Attendees: USA Only

This is a prerequisite to Pranic Psychic Self Defense & Spiritual Business Management.


We are swimming in a world of thought forms and emotional energies, not all of which are beneficial for us. These ‘pollutants’ can affect how we function on a day to day basis. Learning to protect your consciousness, and even that of friends, family and your environment is essential to making sure you flourish!

Don’t let external forces dictate how you respond to life! Learn to protect your energy now!

with Master Stephen Co

Saturday, Sept 28, 2024, 9am-7pm Pacific Time

Attendees: USA Only

Prerequisite: Self Pranic Healing or Pranic Healing Level 1


You are the CEO of your life! So whether you are managing the business of friends, family, or co-workers, you need the energy, understanding and vision to be the driving force for a successful life! The teachings and concepts in this class are the spiritual roadmap for managing your life!

Learn to navigate your life successfully through most situations and at the same time stay true to your moral compass and spiritual path!

with Master Stephen Co

Sunday, Sept 29, 2024, 9am-7pm Pacific Time

Attendees: USA Only

Prerequisite: Self Pranic Healing or Pranic Healing Level 1


Register for these in-depth online courses

When you register for any of the course bundles above, you will automatically be registered for multiple courses.

Self Pranic Healing is a prerequisite to Pranic Psychic Self Defense and Spiritual Business Management. Please note that if you are unable to participate in the Self Pranic Healing course, then your registration for Pranic Psychic Self Defense and/or Spiritual Business Management will automatically be cancelled.